Methane fermentation in hot climates using suspended growth reactor by Kumaran, Satish Chandra call number: AIT Thesis no.EV-86-17 |
Methane flux dynamics from urban canal systems under passive and controlled disturbance conditions by Ei Ei Phyoe call number: AIT Thesis no.EV-23-17 |
Methanogenic and methanotrophic potential in wastewater : a substrate-based study of sludge and flocculent biomass by Palacksone Vongxayalath call number: AIT RSPR no.EV-23-01 |
Methanogens dynamics and ascaris inactivation in thermal septic tank by Nan Kham Syne call number: AIT Thesis no.EV-13-13 |
Methanotrophic biofilter using inorganic media : optimization of loading rate and inlet gas humidity by Abeynayaka, H. D. L. call number: AIT Thesis no.EV-11-03 |
Method & effectiveness of feasibility study in apartment project: a case study of Carina Plaza Building by Le Mien Thuy call number: AIT Proj. no.MPM-CM-10-13 |
Method of differentiation of pathogenic bacteria by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of PCR- amplified genes coding for ribosomal DNA spacers by Pratima, Vinukonda call number: AIT Thesis no.FB-04-12 |
Methodological framework for negotiation in national energy-environment planning for developing countries : a case study of China's power sector by Yang, Ming call number: AIT Diss no.ET-96-2 |
Methodologies for assessment of sanitation programs : a case study in Thailand by George, S. E. call number: AIT SSPR no. EV-83-1 |
Methodologies for estimating safe yield of ground water basins by Onta, Pushpa Raj call number: AIT SSPR no. WA-89-01 |
Methodologies to reduce torque and drag in highly deviated wells in the Gulf of Thailand by Samapan Thongmee call number: AIT Thesis no.OTM-12-08 |
Methodology for creating applications by using Jini technology by Aekkachai Kongkerd call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-01-08 |
Methodology for developing object-oriented blackboard systems : a case study of a student advisory system by Kittipong Klomklaum call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-99-09 |
Methodology for development of web applications case study : using ASP.NET for internet banking by Panu Leelaluckana call number: AIT Thesis no.IM-02-05 |
Methodology for managing development of knowledge-based systems in a corporate environment by Di, Wen call number: AIT Thesis no.CS-97-23 |
Methodology for socio-economic vulnerability assessment for flood disaster risk management in Bangkok and Hanoi by Khatun, Mst. Fahmida call number: AIT Thesis no.WM-04-11 |
Methods and techniques for regional natural resources and environmental planning and management : a review research for rural-regional planning practitioners by Yang, Suwei call number: AIT RSPR no. HS-96-07 |
Methods and techniques for selecting new road projects in Bangladesh by Khan, Md. Mahbubul Alam call number: AIT Thesis no.GT-81-32 |
Methods and techniques for social impact assessment : application to the Eastern Seaboard Development Program, Thailand by Chandhana Indhapanya call number: AIT Diss. no.HS-96-04 |
Methods for induction of triploidy in common carp, (Cyprinus carpio) by Nguyen Minh Thanh call number: AIT Thesis no. AS-98-08 |