M²uP (multithreading microprocessor) datapath, ALU and hazard detection and handling unit development by Gomes, Tiago call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-11-22 |
M²uP (multithreading microprocessor) frontend development by Garcia, Paulo call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-11-17 |
Machine automation design specification improvement by modular prototype design methodology by Sunan Maliwong call number: |
Machine learning appraoch to automatic exudate detection in retinal images of diabetic patients by Yin Aye Moe call number: AIT Thesis no.CS-07-02 |
Machine learning for long-term streamflow prediction and hydrological flood and drought analysis for the Sesan Basin under climate change by Nuttapon Ratchakom call number: AIT Thesis no.WM-24-12 |
Machine learning for market segmentation by Rujiphorn Techathaweerit call number: AIT Thesis no.IM-01-03 |
Machine learning for predicting construction activities schedule estimation and actual completion in Myanmar by Sai Sai Hseng Khoe call number: AIT Thesis no.CM-23-14 |
Machine learning for the identification of competent project managers in the medium complexity construction projects of Nepal by Samrakshya Karki call number: AIT Thesis no.CM-20-02 |
Machine learning-based asset management for power transformer maintenance by Thitaporn Tubpong call number: AIT Thesis no.ET-20-07 |
Machine utilization in a motor cycle rubber parts manufacturing company by Suchart Tachaplalert call number: AIT Thesis no. IE-94-07 |
Machine vision based control of multiple robots in playing soccer by Panus Nattharith call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-02-40 |
Machine vision based speed control of an intelligent vehicle by Dinh Cong Huan call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-06-21 |
Machine vision platfrom for agricultural crop monitoring and phenotyping for plant breeding by Supawadee Chaivivatrakul call number: AIT Diss. no.CS-14-02 |
Machine vision-based motion control of mini football robots by Perera, Marthrage Supun Nadeeshka call number: AIT Caps. Proj. no.ME-17-37 |
Machine-component cell formation in cellular manufacturing systems by Ojha, Ravindra call number: AIT RSPR no. IE-85-13 |
Machine-part family formation in cellular manufacturing systems : a multicriterion approach by Kulasinghe, A. S. S. call number: AIT Thesis no.IE-94-17 |
Macro viruses by Dang Kien Cuong call number: AIT RSPR no.CS-02-02 |
Macrobrachium rosenbergii seed production in Vietnam : an examination of the performance of broodstock and larvae from sources in Thailand and Vietnam by Pham Truong Yen call number: AIT Thesis no. AS-99-05 |
Macroeconomic and Environmental Beneffits Due to Wind Energy Policy: A Case Study of Gujarat Wind Energy Sector by Jose, Alvin call number: AIT Thesis no.ET-13-07 |
Macroeconomic environments of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) and opportunities for South Korea by Kang, Seungkook call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-08-02 |