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A web-based decision support system for project investment selection : case study of Petrovietnam
by Duong Van Dat
call number: AIT Thesis no.IM-06-10
A Web-based electronic meeting system
by Wachira Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn
call number: AIT Thesis no. IM-99-16
A web-based model using learning objects for teaching and learning classes and instances in C++ and Java
by Nguyen Dieu Huong
call number: AIT Thesis no.CS-05-21
A web-based quality management system and its implementation in a computer assembly industry
by Natavudh Pungcharoenpong
call number: AIT Thesis no. ISE-98-25
A weld spot visual inspection system for HDD suspension
by Somsak Khramthong
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-09-21
A woman's place? gender in Lao politics
by Gary, Kelley Frances
call number: AIT Thesis no.GD-02-11
A yield management pricing model in the hotel industry : computer application and a case study
by Pham Thi Thanh Hong
call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-97-88
Abnormal behavior detection using star skeleton
by Do Tuan Anh
call number: AIT RSPR no.CS-08-03
Above ground biomass study in dipterocarp forest, Southeast Asia by ALOS AVNIR-2 and PALSAR
by Natthasiree Chulinrak
call number: AIT Thesis no.RS-12-07
Abrupt scene change detection algorithm in MPEG-4 video sequences
by Ignacio, Domingo O. Jr.
call number: AIT RSPR no.TC-02-04
Absolute positioning system for mobile robot integrated with gyroscope by using IKF
by Surachai Panich
call number: AIT Diss. no.ISE-12-02
Abundance and characterization of microplastic in the surface water of an industrial estate in Bangkok
by Shah, Noman Ali
call number: AIT RSPR no.MPA-22-16
Abundance and spatial distribution of microplastics in the Lower Chao Phraya River
by Tutor, Jasmin Tumanda
call number: AIT RSPR no.MPA-21-11
Acacia Mangium and Acacia Crassicarpa kraft cooking and effect on EDF bleaching
by Purnawan, Hendra Tri
call number:
Acacia mangium characteristics of various age, height point and branches for kraft pulping raw material
by Dompak Maruli Siregar
call number: AIT Thesis no. PP-01-3
Accelerated drying of paddy in rotary conduction heating units
by Yongyuth Puechkamutr
call number: AIT Diss. no.AE-88-01
Accelerated wear testing of enamel coatings
by Tamtomo, Pontianus
call number: AIT Thesis no.AE-89-05
Accelerating economic development through women entrepreneurship in SMEs: Bangladesh perspective
by Hasanujzaman, Muhammad
call number:
Accelerating the renewable energy development project
by Le, Kim Dung
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Acceptance of open source software among Thai users : an integrated model approach
by Veera Bhatiasevi
call number: AIT Diss. no.SM-13-05