Acclimation and culture of Penaeus monodon at low salinities in closed water system by Ullah, Md. Ekram call number: AIT Thesis no. AE-95-33 |
Accommodating the urban informal sector : a study of the integrated hawkers management program in Quezon City, Philippines by Reodique, Jason Estrada call number: AIT Thesis no. HS-88-26 |
Accommodation problems of women factory workers : a case study of the Katunayake Export Processing Zone in Colombo, Sri Lanka by Piyaratne, P. K. call number: AIT Thesis no. HS-90-16 |
Accounting disclosures of corporate social responsibility by Fernando, A. Anil Jayantha call number: AIT Diss. no. DBA-SOM-12-01 |
Accounting for forest carbon stocks in Vavuniya district, Sri Lanka using google earth engine : implications for carbon-based incentives by Vijitharan, Sharaniya call number: AIT Diss no.NR-23-01 |
Acculturation and cross-cultural communication in new product development teams by Chonlatis Darawong call number: AIT Diss. no.SM-12-04 |
Accuracy enhancement of UAV products using GNSS derived ground control points and varying flying heights by Naidu, Dharmana Harish call number: AIT Thesis no.RS-17-29 |
Accuracy of the lane change detection systems by Chandrasekara, Mawela Vidanalage T.N. call number: AIT Caps. Proj. no.CIE-17-31 |
Achieving cost optimization via effective procurement process governance: a case study of Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company (JVPC) by Tran, Xuan Thuy call number: |
Acid deposition and transfrontier pollution by Suree Ummaralikit call number: AIT RSPR no. EV-88-3 |
Acid deposition and water quality by Shrestha, Santa Bahadur call number: AIT SSPR no. EV-83-4 |
Acid rain and dry deposition modeling for Chongging City, PRC by Tian, Xiao Feng call number: AIT RSPR no. ET-90-10 |
Acid rain and utility planning implications of sulfur tax in the power sector of Vietnam : an integrated resource planning analysis by Nguyen Thi Ngoc Mai call number: AIT Thesis no.ET-99-31 |
Acidogenic-aerobic treatment of industrial estate mixed wastewater by Hossain, Md. Delwar call number: AIT Diss. no. EV-98-2 |
Acoustic testing for evaluating the crispness of breakfast cereals by Kunchalee Luechapattanaporn call number: AIT Thesis no.PH-01-3 |
Acquiring technological capabilities in wastewater treatment services for sustainable development and developing different applications in environmental services by Tran, Quang Thoa call number: |
Action recognition in generalized zero-shot learning setting using the conditional generative adversarial network by Tirumalasetty, Gayatri call number: AIT RSPR no.CS-20-01 |
Action representation languages and planning with incomplete information for UNIX programming by Bui Hoai Thang call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-01-15 |
Actions taken by dairy farmers to face climate and non-climate challenges in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand by Supaluk Prabsriphum call number: AIT Thesis no.CC-18-06 |
Activated sludge process with bioaugmentation by Suyanee Nachaiyasit call number: AIT Thesis no. EV-87-20 |