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A unified framework for the design of service systems : a co-production approach
by Troung Hong Trinh
call number: AIT Diss. no.ISE-12-21
A unified framework for version and access control of XML documents
by Kantinee Katchapakirin
call number: AIT Thesis no.CS-03-29
A unified representation framework for the modelbase and the database of a web-based decision support system
by Thadthong Bhrammanee
call number: AIT Diss. no.IM-08-01
A unified version model of software configuration management
by Supanat Kitcharoensakkul
call number: AIT Diss. no.CS-01-02
A user interest-aware server selection in hybrid CDN-P2P mesh-based architecture for VDO-on-demand streaming
by Arnon Saengarunwong
call number: AIT Thesis no.ICT-18-01
A USRP-based testbed for OFDM-based radar
by Lin Lai Lai Khine
call number: AIT Caps. Proj. no.TC-15-02
A variable grid model of flows near tidal barrier
by Lo, Whaiching
call number: AIT Thesis no. WA-89-11
A versatile object-oriented simulation model for decision-feedback equalisers (DFE)
by Resmana
call number: AIT Thesis no. TC-94-9
A village economy in Central Thailand : testing Chayanov's model
by Hu, Biliang
call number: AIT RSPR no.HS-91-04
A visual debugger
by Shaheed, Manzur Alam
call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-91-21
A visual interactive planner for operational scheduling
by Lim, Juliet Tiu
call number: AIT Thesis no. IE-92-22
A voice command controlled 3D-printed prosthetic hand
by May Thiri Oo
call number: AIT Caps. Proj. no.ME-18-10
A wachspress meshless local petrov-galerkin method
by Thulasi, Vinayagam
call number: AIT Thesis no.ST-02-6
A water availability Assessment for improvement of community managed irrigation schemes : the case of Mkwasine diversion system in the South Eastern Lowveld of Zimbabwe
by Mandirega, Siyakia
call number: AIT Thesis no.AWM-17-01
A water management model for lowland paddy irrigation systems
by Gilles, Bienvenido Cruz
call number: AIT Thesis no.AE-80-01
A water yield model for small semiarid watersheds of India
by Panda, Jogesh Chandra
call number: AIT Thesis no.WA-86-12
A web application for the tourism industry in Hanoi
by Dinh Huu Son
call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-01-76
A web service broker for non-expert clients
by Orawan Meeporncharoenkit
call number: AIT Thesis no.CS-03-25
A web service modeling language
by Lv, XiuFeng
call number: AIT Thesis no.CS-03-03
A web-based application to support quality management documentation system for a construction company
by Noppadol Kaewborisut
call number: AIT Thesis no.CM-05-16