Alternative agricultural landuse planning : a case study of Mahanadi Delta Stage-II, Orissa, India by Padhi, Laxminarayan call number: AIT Thesis no.NR-93-06 |
Alternative approach on design and construction of low-cost houses proposed by Bangkok Metropolitan Administration by Khan, Sardar call number: AIT Thesis no.ST-90-27 |
Alternative approaches for energy conservation in a sanitary-ware plant by Virush Teeraseranee call number: AIT Thesis no. IE-81-17 |
Alternative approaches to contract reforestation : a comparative assessment of government strategies in Negros Oriental, Philippines by Tinapao, Grace C. call number: AIT Thesis no.HS-92-33 |
Alternative brainwaves and wireless controlled automation of the mobile robots : a case study of wheeled chairs by Aung Myo Myat call number: AIT Caps. Proj. no.ME-18-02 |
Alternative development scenarios for the Banlum Quarter Chanthaburi, Thailand by Vajira Tippitak call number: AIT Thesis no.HS-01-09 |
Alternative energy and its pros and cons: a review by Dehartin, Benni call number: |
Alternative governmental/administrative structures for land-use and environmental planning in Asian extended metropolitan regions : a case study of Jabotabek, Indonesia by Yohanes Basuki Dwisusanto call number: AIT Thesis no. HS-90-29 |
Alternative method for drilling mud waste at petroleum block 15-1,CLJOC by Pham Ngoc Hien call number: AIT RSPR no.EV-15-05 |
Alternative methods for maggot production by Xie, Jianjun call number: AIT Thesis no. AE-95-19 |
Alternative models to finance irrigation services and their impacts along the rice chain value : a case study in Central Thailand by Peerasut Saringkarn call number: AIT Thesis no.WM-12-11 |
Alternative operation of a compression ignition engine on producer gas by Alvarez, Renato Nones call number: AIT RSPR no. ET-84-20 |
Alternative options to change the livestock sub-system of the A. F. E. integrated farm, in order to generate a regular income by Wimalasuriya, Rukman K. call number: AIT Thesis no.AE-88-41 |
Alternative phosphorus sources for formulated fish feed by Sarkar, Md. Reaz Uddin call number: AIT Thesis no. AE-95-20 |
Alternative solutions to fishmeal and steroid hormone for the production of mono-sex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry by Perera, Mallika Arachchilage D. A. D. call number: AIT Diss. no.AQ-21-02 |
Alternative strategies of securing livelihoods in the hills of Nepal : a case study of Bhattedanda VDC, Lalitpur district by Thakur, Naresh Singh call number: AIT Thesis no.AC-98-01 |
Alternative treatment of petrol station wastewater by Chiraphorn Kornsitthikul call number: AIT Thesis no.EV-98-28 |
Alternatives for power production with low temperature geothermal systems by Paloso, Generoso M. call number: AIT Thesis no. ET-91-12 |
Alternatives to existing shifting cultivation in Ou Chum district, Ratanakiri province, Cambodia by Chip Bunthavin call number: AIT Thesis no. RD-00-5 | new employee access prediction by Thatavarthi, Bhavya Sri call number: |