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An adaptive object design for CAD engineering databases
by Nguyen Vinh Quang
call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-91-19
An adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm for a multicommodity distribution network design
by Suntaree Sae-huere
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-09-07
An adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm for multiobjective job shop scheduling problems
by Suparat Wongnen
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-09-17
An adaptive QOS control scheme over WLAN SDN architecture
by Pacharakit Vanitchasatit
call number: AIT Thesis no.TC-21-02
An adaptive technique for 2d elastostatic analysis by the meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method
by Pamuda Pudjisuryadi
call number: AIT Thesis no. ST-01-8
An adjunct CAI for teaching geometry in secondary schools
by Chong, Hoi Neng
call number: AIT Thesis no. CA-83-3
An advisory knowledge based expert system for conflict prevention in dam construction projects
by Ahmed, Abdul Rasool Raynoos
call number: AIT Thesis no.ST-02-26
An AGE-dependent selective maintenance policy
by Truong Ba Huy
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-08-24
An age-dependent selective maintenance policy for a gas processing plant in Vietnam
by Nguyen Kim Ngoc
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-10-19
An agent communication language using XML declarative description
by Supattra Jindadamrongwech
call number: AIT Thesis no.IM-00-08
An agent model for computer performance enhancement
by Poonphon Suesaowaluk
call number: AIT Diss. no.CS-05-03
An agent-based architecture to support pervasive context-aware applications
by Shrestha, Sanjil
call number: AIT Thesis no.ICT-07-08
An agent-based simulation of Tsunami evacuation for disaster management:|ba case study of Khao Lak, Thailand
by Nattapon Trumikaborworn
call number: AIT Thesis no.DM-17-05
An agent-based software analysis and design using object-oriented agent patterns
by Thepparit Banditwattanawong
call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-00-10
An agent-mediated negotiation model in electronic commerce
by Siriwan Apisiridej
call number: AIT Thesis no. IM-99-14
An algebraic approach to mechanical theorem-proving in geometry
by Tran Quoc Nam
call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-92-29
An algebraic approach to the unification problem of logic programming
by Hoang Le Tien
call number: AIT RSPR no. CA-85-09
An algorithm for designing optimal water distribution systems
by Yogeswaran, Theivanayagam
call number: AIT RSPR no. IE-83-22
An algorithm for estimating the load forecasts and economic parameters for rural electrification program in Pakistan
by Zubair, K. M.
call number: AIT Thesis no. CA-83-27
An algorithm for the retrieval of image spatial relationship from a pictorial database
by Wiboonsak Watthayu
call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-94-34