Geometric modeling of 3D fractal objects by Kyaw Win Aung Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Geometric modeling of 3D fractal objects by Tsoodol, Nyamkhuu Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Geometric modeling of Bezier curves and surfaces by Silitonga, Saulus Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Geometric modeling of rational and nonrational Bezier curves by Kuntjahjani, Harini Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Geometric transformations of binary decision diagram encoded images by Watis Leelapatra Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
GIS data conversion by Songlak Piriyapairoje Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Giving Users What They Ask For: Improving Question Answering by Question Classification, Question Disambiguation and Answer Filtering by Maheen Bakhtyar Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Global geographic information system for evaluation of terrestrial ecosystem by Guirnela, Maria Socorro Pernia Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Google analytics customer revenue prediction by Reddy, Mannem Varun Kumar Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Graphical user interface for floor planning by Prasit Songsathaporncharoen Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Graphics techniques in 3D game design by Nguyen Binh Duong Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Guiding construction of personal preferences to influence customer choice by Nguyen Ngoc Minh Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Healthcare insurance exchange system in Thailand by Suwanna Xanthavanij Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Helmet violation detection using deep learning by K.C., Dharma Raj Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Hierarchical clustering of product database for fast utility-directed search by Tran Van Dung Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Hierarchical planning in didtributed problems: an application to tourism by Sadiqi, Mahdi Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Hierarchical routing for computer networks by Shin, Jiin-kuen Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
High-level activity abstraction using low-level event logs generated from workstation applications by Datta, Indrajeet Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Hodographs of generalized-ball curves by Soe Soe Htwe Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Hospital emergency response system using Internet GIS, vehicle tracking system and RFID by Memon, Irum Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |