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Applied factory physics in WIP management: the case of intel products Vietnam
by Tran Duc Binh
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-13-10
Applied microbiology and laboratory
by Oleg V. Shipin
call number: Exam. ED78.16
Applied photovoltaics
call number:
Apply the Bayesian belief networks based model to quantify schedule risk in block B-Omon gas pipeline project in Vietnam
by Nguyen Manh Tuong
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-10-30
Applying AI planning on dynamic travel scheduling
by Chandra, Robin
call number: AIT RSPR no.CS-11-01
Applying clean power generation technologies in Vinacomin Power Holding Corporation ltd.
by Nguyen Dinh Tuan
call number:
Applying contract administration to manage quality of JICA Funded Road Project : a case study of Hunmanintomo-Myogi-Ywangy road improvement project
by Khin Maung Htwe
call number: AIT Proj. no.MPM-NPT-CM-17-04
Applying data mining techniques : case studies to predict loan defaults and vehicle quality
by Ei Thaw Win
call number: AIT RSPR no.CS-15-02
Applying data mining techniques on yelp challenge dataset
by Vyshnavi, Raja
call number: AIT RSPR no.CS-17-01
Applying decision trees, artificial neural networks and support vector machine to classify the potential of gas stations
by Tanawat Sermvongtrakul
call number: AIT RSPR no.IM-12-07
Applying document clustering to hypertext documents on the Internet
by Tran Ngoc Thanh
call number: AIT Thesis no. IM-99-01
Applying FMCG distribution channel model into OTC distribution system : a case study of Vien Dong Pharmaceutical Group
by Truong Quang Ai
call number:
Applying genetic algorithm in channel routing problem
by Hu, Wen
call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-96-27
Applying grid technology to e-commerce : a case study in selling software and applications
by Phan Phuong Lan
call number: AIT Thesis no.CS-03-20
Applying image processing for automatic alignment in multi-color screen printing
by Wicaksono, Martinus Bagus
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-11-07
Applying interactive data visualization techniques : a case study of Indian climate data
by Reddy, Peddi Reddy Arvind
call number: AIT RSPR no.IM-18-06
Applying internal rating system at Petrovietnam Finance Corporation (PVFC)
by Tao Thu Thuy
call number:
Applying lean concept to reduce headcount at a wire bond module at the Intel factory in Vietnam
by Du Chan Tai
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Applying multiple statistical approaches to predict the spatial distribution of soil contaminants in the Chao Phraya Watershed
by Chor Pangara
call number: AIT Thesis no.EV-21-03
Applying neural network to job-shop scheduling problem
by Trinh Vu Minh
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-03-42