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Managing wetland forests for conservation and sustainable use : a study of sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) in Khuan Khreng Peat Swamp, Thailand
by Nongnuch Lomwong
call number: AIT Thesis no.NR-08-15
manet formation using Small Robotic Rovers for disaster emergency communication networks
by Nunthaphat Weshsuwannarugs
call number: AIT Thesis no.ICT-13-05
Mangrove change detection using the landsat thematic mapper and effects on mangrove soil characteristics : a case study of the North Coast of Subang, West Java, Indonesia
by Munibah, Khursatul
call number: AIT Thesis no.SR-98-22
mangrove community forestry as a management tool for sustainable mud crab resource use in Trang Province, Southern Thailand
by Chanyut Sudtongkong
call number:
Mangrove deforestation and disaster risk in coastal communities in Ayeyarwady Delta : a comparative study of two communities at risk
by Wai Yar Lin Zin
call number: AIT Thesis no.DM-13-07
Mangrove ecosystem service values and shrimp aquaculture in Can Gio Province, Vietnam
by Sakchai McDonough
call number: AIT Thesis no.AQ-12-07
Mangrove ecosystem services:|ba case study of Tran De District, Soc Trang, Vietnam
by Tang Phoung Gian
call number: AIT Thesis no.NR-11-01
Manora development Platform Cost Estimate
by Sarawut Busabong
call number:
Manpower requirements of energy technology
by Cochiengco, Jocelyn Mationg
call number: AIT RSPR no. ET-84-10
Manufacturers’ perceptions of the effects of imbalances in processing output and the factors influencing buyers’ preferences for tapioca starch in Thailand
by Wutthipong Jamsai
call number: AIT Thesis no.AB-19-13
Manufacturing and testing of AIT jab seeder in Nepal
by Pariyar, Madan Prasad
call number: AIT Thesis no.AE-89-03
Manufacturing message specification to control a flexible manufacturing system
by Rajmohan, Selvarajah
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-99-29
Manufacturing resource planning (MRP-II) : a case study
by Quashem, Md. Abul
call number: AIT Thesis no.IE-94-10
Manufacturing resource planning (MRPII) in a petrochemical industry : a case study of a urea fertilizer plant
by Nawaz, Hasan
call number: AIT Thesis no.ISE-99-23
Manufacturing strategies in the wake of shortening product lives and changing consumer preferences
by Akhtar, Khalid
call number: AIT Diss. no.IE-94-01
Manufacturing strategy processes and manufacturing performance : examination of constructs and linkages
by Carlos, Romel M.
call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-97-38
Mapping groundwater resiliency under climate change scenarios: a case study of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
by Neupane, Sanjiv
call number: AIT Thesis no.WM-19-34
Mapping afforestation suitability using remote sensing and GIS
by Yao, Zuyan
call number: AIT Thesis no.SR-03-15
Mapping and monitoring forest fire using remote sensing and GIS : a case study of Thungyai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand
by Suwannee Naruekhatpichai
call number: AIT Thesis no.SR-97-15
Mapping changes in the marine environment of Phu Quoc Island, Viet Nam
by Ton Binh Minh
call number: AIT Thesis no.RS-08-01