Abstract | The research dealt with the effects of vocational training on the occupational development in Champasack province in the South of Lao PDR. The main objectives of the research were to examine learning methods of the vocational training and assess their effectiveness; to describe the process of occupational generation of trainees after the vocational training; to assess the effects of vocational training on the occupational development; to examine factors contributing to the operations of business of trainees and identify problems of the business operations; and to give recommendations to strengthen the learning methods of the vocational training and suggest the interventions on the occupational development of those trainees. The scope of this study covered two types of vocational training consisting of fish and livestock raising and dress-making. The learning methods of vocational training covered classroom and practical sessions and a study visit. The research was conducted in four groups of business operators and non-business operators of fish and livestock raising and dress-making in Bachiengchalearnsouk district. A standardized questionnaire was employed to collect data from the trainees who operated and did not operate their business after the training,;. In addition, field observation, key informants interview, group discussions with the failed business operators and stakeholders (i.e. the Director of the NFEDC, the trainers and the head of village) were also used in data collection. The research focused both on qualitative and quantitative analysis. Main findings of this research showed that the vocational training provided to rural people by the NFEDC was effective for some trainees who had resource base-potentials to set up their own business after the training but ineffective for those who lacked of resources. The vocational training was effective through various kinds of learning methods including classroom and practical sessions and a study visit. Factors associating with the effectiveness of learning methods of the vocational training included socio-demographic aspects of trainees (i.e. age, previous experience, and education level) and the institutional aspects of the Center (i.e. amount of instruction hours, frequency of instruction sessions, availability of learning materials, and availability of learning equipment). The trainees were beneficial from the vocational training in social aspects including gaining knowledge and enhancing their technical skills from the training program. The trainees utilized knowledge and skill to operate their own businesses (i.e. fish and livestock raising and dress-making). In terms of economic aspects, the training generated a new occupation, earning income and employment for the trainees. The research concluded that key common factors contributing to the success of the business operations were availability of fund, family labors, financial support from the family, sufficient knowledge and skill, prior business experience, accessibility to a bank loan and extensive business networks. On the other hand, various key common factors influencing the trainees not to operate their own business comprised of insufficient capital, inadequate knowledge and skills, limited business experience, inadequate market information, difficulty in accessing to credit, and lack of business networks. In addition, key common factors contributing to failure of business operations were insufficient knowledge and skill and inadequate capital. Certain recommendations were given in this research in order to strengthen the learning methods of vocational training provided by the NFEDC and specific interventions to enhance the occupational development of the rural trainees. The implications of this research on enhancing the occupational development of the trainees after the training were outlined based on the key findings of this research |