1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Factors influencing the entry into rural non-farm entrepreneurship : a study in Pho Yen district Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam

AuthorDang Thu Phuong
Call NumberAIT Thesis no.RD-01-07
Subject(s)Rural industries--Vietnam--Thai Nguyen
NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, School of Environment, Resources and Development
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractPresently, while Vietnam enjoys a period of rapid development and growth, it also faces major social and economic structural challenges. Those challenges include how to stop a widening gap between rural and urban incomes; how to absorb a growing rural population into a shrinking rural labour market; how to stem rural-urban migration; how to most effectively use Vietnam's main comparative advantage - its labour force - in the process of national development. At the same time, researchers and development policy-makers worldwide are paying increasing attention to the study of the rural non-farm sector. They hope that within the rural non-farm sector might lie some of the answers to the challenges that face rapidly growing transitional rural economies like Vietnam. This study is a contribution to the increasing attention to the rural non-farm sector in the international and Vietnamese context. It takes as its subject 'rural household enterprises', not medium enterprises or small enterprises, but enterprises at the lowest, household level. These are the enterprises that might be multiplied most quickly, and might be most easily controlled by the poorest people themselves. This might be the sector that can provide the best solutions to some of the most pressing regional and rural development challenges in Vietnam today. The study examines the factors that influence the access of rural people to the household enterprise sector, using a relatively remote commune in Thai Nguyen Province as the study area. The objectives are to identify internal and external factors, which facilitate or hinder entry into the sector. The study considers the factors as they effect sub-groups of would-be entrepreneurs at different stages of their life-cycle - single, newly-married group, married group from aged 27-40, married group from 41-54, and elderly group aged 55 and above. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are applied in order to reach the most accurate interpretation of the outcomes of the research work. Significant differences among sub-groups were found in a set of internal factors such as motivational factor, gender, skills and experiences, family savings, and familial factors such as family relationship and conflicts. Regarding the external factors, differences among subgroups were found most clearly in external capital sources particularly access to loans from the banks. With regards to community attitude factor, while there was presence of negative attitude towards enterprises run by those in all sub-groups, peer pressure among the Old people was found to be constraining the entry into entrepreneurship by the old people. In social network factor, single group particularly those who just left school was found to lack sufficient social network. There were also common external factors that facilitate all subgroups into entrepreneurship such as infrastructure, taxes and business registration, success of other enterprises. An in-depth analysis of the poor and their access to non-farm enterprises was undertaken, revealing the integrated nature of their difficulties, and their entry constraint factors in accessing to non-farm enterprises. These factors are limited capital, skills and social contacts. A set of recommendations is provided, which corresponds to the main findings, in order to facilitate interventions to stimulate the rural household enterprise sector.
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD)
DepartmentDepartment of Development and Sustainability (DDS)
Academic Program/FoSRural Development, Gender and Resources (RD)
Chairperson(s)Wickramanayake, B.W.E.
Examination Committee(s)Soparth Pongquan ;Amin, A.T.M. Nurul
Scholarship Donor(s)Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
DegreeThesis (M.Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 2001

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