Responsible and inclusive business in Myanmar: a strategy for the garment sector | |
Author | Zieger, Miriam |
Note | A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Professional Master in Corporate Social Responsibility, School of Management |
Publisher | Asian Institute of Technology |
Abstract | Myanmar, a country in transition, initiated a comprehensive reform and democratisation process after decades of social, environmental and economic oppression by its former military junta. Rapid developments and immense growth rates attract businesses. However, doing business in a responsible and inclusive way contributing to the sustainable development of Myanmar is very challenging when facing an insecure environment, incomplete regulatory frameworks, underdeveloped infrastructures, capacity gaps etc. Based on action research in Myanmar, this thesis developed a strategy model that helps organisations to establish a responsible and inclusive business strategy. The strategy model consists of three components: The circle of responsibility, which represents the macro external environment of Myanmar that is analysed in detail. The circle of inclusivity, which shows opportunities to include low-income segments into business operations through employment, new target customer segments or the utilisation of business linkages. The circle of strategy describes the strategy development process in order to incorporate the concepts of responsibility and inclusivity into organisation's core principles and make it the basis for all activities. A practical example of applying the strategy model and concrete recommendations provide organisations with knowledge and guidance how to use the theoretical model and conduct business in Myanmar in a responsible and inclusive way. |
Year | 2013 |
Type | Thesis |
School | School of Management |
Department | Other Field of Studies (No Department) |
Academic Program/FoS | Professional Master in Corporate Social Responsibility (SM) |
Chairperson(s) | Welford, Richard;Grunbuhel, Clemens; |
Examination Committee(s) | Shah, Faiz ; |