1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Human resource management with brain drain solutions in Vietsovpetro Joint Venture, Vung Tau, Vietnam

AuthorTrinh Van Dao
NoteA project study submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration (Executive) in International Business - Management of Technology (VN), School of Management
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractThis thesis has been prepared by the author as required by the IEMBA program, AIT Thailand. The research considered the tendency, level and rate of brain drain, in conjunction with the relating push factors in Vietsovpetro Joint Venture (hereinafter referred to as Vietsovpetro) and the pull factors in the oil and gas industry in Vietnam and regional petroleum companies as well. Specific policy solutions for effective presentation of the brain drain phenomenon in Vietsovpetro are proposed. These recommendations are expected to provide the top management of Vietsovpetro with the necessary basic information to respond effectively to its brain drain challenge. The study defines the wide panorama that the tendency and level of brain drain in Vietsovpetro has peaked up at the un-acceptable and un-sustainable heights. Though the estimates addressed in the research are lower than expected, they have remarkably improved my knowledge of tendency and causes behind the brain drain problem in Vietsovpetro. Vietsovpetro loses hundreds of valuable people crucial to its needs for development. Most of them are experienced and highly skilled individuals who abandoned their jobs in Vietsovpetro, often for better opportunities in other competitors within the oil and gas industry. The professionals who are mostly involved including geologists, geophysicists, drilling engineers, production engineers, financial specialists, and other valuable persons. Most of those moving are entering into Petrovietnam Oil and Gas Group, Petrovietnam Exploration and Production Corporation (PVEP), Talisman Energy Inc., Chevron, KNOOC, Joint Operating Companies (JOC), Roshneftviet, Gazpromviet and so on. The reasons for their choices of destination are mainly economics, position, working environment and recognition. The huge number constituting Vietsovpetro’s loss of experienced and skilled staffs is an issue that the top management cannot ignore. Vietsovpetro is losing its productive and competitive advantages because these big numbers of well trained employees are moving out of the company. In addition, efforts to provide Vietsovpetro with specific skills through improved business opportunities, may be returned unremarkable unless measures are taken to settle the pull factors attracting experienced and highly skilled employees to move. Similar to other previous studies, this research suffered from the shortage of reliable statistics in the oil and gas industry of Vietnam. Therefore, it was very difficult to exactly define the key motivations of staffs who have left. So that, the research methodology that was used has significantly improved the reliability of the findings in this thesis and has so that enriched the author's understanding of the tendency of brain drain issue.
SchoolSchool of Management (SOM)
DepartmentOther Field of Studies (No Department)
Chairperson(s)Claes, Marie Therese;Igel, Barbara
Examination Committee(s)Sununta Siengthai;Patchara Popaitoon
Scholarship Donor(s)Vietsovpetro Joint Venture

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