Purpose: The electronic thesis database is a valuable resource provided by Asian Institute of Technology Library to support research, scholarship, and academic inquiry. This policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for the responsible and ethical use of electronic thesis databases by library patrons. Access and Eligibility:
1. Access to the electronic thesis database is available to registered library patrons, including students, faculty, staff, and other authorized users of Asian Institutional of Technology Library.
2. Non-affiliated users may be granted limited access for research purposes upon request and approval by library staff. Authorized Use:
1. Users may access and use electronic thesis database materials for personal research, educational, and scholarly purposes.
2. Materials from the electronic thesis database may be downloaded, printed, or saved for personal or academic use to support research purposes.
3. Users must comply with copyright laws and licensing agreements when reproducing, distributing, or sharing thesis materials obtained from the database. Attribution and Citation:
1. Users must properly attribute and cite electronic thesis database materials in accordance with academic citation standards and guidelines.
2. Citation information, including author name, thesis title, publication year, and database source, should be included in all academic papers, presentations, and publications referencing electronic thesis materials. Responsible Use:
1. Users are expected to engage with electronic thesis materials responsibly, respecting the intellectual property rights of authors and institutions.
2. Users must not engage in any unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification of electronic thesis materials.
3. Users should report any errors, inaccuracies, or concerns regarding electronic thesis database content to library staff for resolution. Privacy and Confidentiality:
1. The library respects the privacy and confidentiality of user information associated with electronic thesis database access.
2. User data, including search history and download activity, may be collected for statistical purposes and library administration, in compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.
3. User information will not be shared with third parties without consent, except as required by law. Compliance with Policies:
1. Users must comply with all library policies and guidelines governing the use of electronic thesis databases, including this policy and any additional terms of use specified by database providers.
2. Violations of library policies may result in suspension or revocation of electronic thesis database access privileges Feedback and Inquiries:
1. Users are encouraged to provide feedback, suggestions, or inquiries regarding the electronic thesis database to library staff.
2. Library staff are available to assist users with questions, technical issues, or other concerns related to electronic thesis database usage. Policy Review and Updates:
1. This policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to ensure relevance and effectiveness.
2. Users will be notified of any significant changes to the electronic thesis database usage policy through library communication channels.
Adherence to Policy: By accessing and using the electronic thesis database, users agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.