Computer assisted database design : normalization and automatic layout of entity-relationship diagrams by Wong, Chor Fung Patrick Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer assisted database design : semantic checking of entity-relationship diagrams by Mercado, Danilo Jarumayan Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer assisted interpretation system for land cover mapping by Soravich Himaman Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer network intrusion : detection and response by Vu Ngoc Trinh Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer recognition of sketch annotations by Rattapoom Waranusast Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer simulation of the interaction of a 5-axis machining center and a 3-D surface by Tolentino, Josiebeth M. Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer user model for an educational institute by Jone, Keng Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer virus classification in the windows operating system by Vo Mau Pha Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer virus classification in UNIX environment by Le Tan Phuoc Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer-aided software engineering in Thai by Wijai Kongsasna Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computer-aided software project scheduler by Arbolente, Shirley Rowen L. Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Computing well-founded semantics of deductive databases by Nguyen Viet Hai Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Concept data modeling system : a database CAD by Ong, Enghue Co Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Concept generalization in adaptive resonance theory by Ei Ei Khin Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Concept generalization with neural network by War War Khaing Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Concepts of uncertainty in reasoning about physical objects by Ahmed, Nizam Uddin Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Conceptual and semantical analysis of Java by Padilla, Rosemarie Jimenez Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Conceptual graph language : a language of logic and information in conceptual structures by Ghosh, Bikash Chandra Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Conceptual graphs based view modelling and integration for database design by Hashmi, Faisal Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |
Conceptual hypergraphs as knowledge representation : a feasibility study by Sianipar, Donaldy Academic Program/FoS: Computer Science (CS) |